Call Manager 10.5 has the capability to enable the Web Admin interface on the 8861, but the Call Manager GUI doesn't support enabling it. Without the Web Admin interface, there is no way to actually install your user installed certificate.
- Dietze
#!/Python27/python #Environment #OSX/UCM10.5/Python2.7/ import os import requests import json import smtplib import urllib import sys #####GET INFO FROM CALL MANAGER######## cmserver = 'YOUR_CALL_MANAGER_IP_OR_HOSTNAME' cmport = '8443' wsdl = "file:" + "/AXLAPI.wsdl" location = 'https://' + cmserver + ':' + cmport + '/axl/' tns = '' imp = Import('', '') imp.filter.add(tns) ##LOCATIONS FOR REALTIME STATUS ##THIS IS FOR RISPORT RTDS_wsdl = 'https://' + cmserver + ':8443/realtimeservice/services/RisPort?wsdl' RTDS_location = 'https://' + cmserver + ':' + cmport + '/realtimeservice/services/RisPort' #SET USER INFO #MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA TO ADD READ THIS FROM A FILE OR SOMETHING username = user_file.readline().strip() password = user_file.readline().strip() try: #LOG INTO CALL MANAGER AND CREATE CLIENT OBJECT client = Client(wsdl,location=location, username=username, password=password, plugins=[ImportDoctor(imp)]) #SETUP REAL TIME DEVICE STATUS CLIENT (NEEDED TO SEARCH BY IP) RTDS_client = Client(RTDS_wsdl,location=RTDS_location, username=username, password=password, plugins=[ImportDoctor(imp)]) #PHONE NAME TO SEARCH FOR phone_name = 'SEPXXXXXXXXXXXX' #SET ADMIN PASSWORD FOR THIS PHONE phone_admin_password = 'ciscocisco' #CREATE RESULT OBJECT AFTER A GET PHONE REQUEST result = client.service.getPhone(name=phone_name) #GET MODEL FROM RESULT OBJECT model = str(result['return']['phone']['model']) print model #IF THE MODEL IS AN 8861 THEN UPDATE THE PHONE WITH THE VENDOR CONFIG THAT ISNT IN THE CUCM 10.5 GUI if model == "Cisco 8861": client.service.updatePhone(name=phone_name,vendorConfig={ 'disableSpeaker':"false", 'disableSpeakerAndHeadset':"false", 'pcPort':"0", 'voiceVlanAccess':"0", 'webAccess':"1", 'spanToPCPort':"1", 'recordingTone':"0", 'recordingToneLocalVolume':"100", 'recordingToneRemoteVolume':"50", 'powerPriority':"0", 'minimumRingVolume':"0", 'ehookEnable':"1", 'headsetWidebandUIControl':"0", 'headsetWidebandEnable':"0", 'garp':"1", 'allCallsOnPrimary':"0", 'g722CodecSupport':"0", 'webAdmin':"1", 'adminPassword':phone_admin_password, }) else: raise ValueError("Not a Cisco 8861") #RUN SELECT CM DEVICE TO GET THE IP OF THE PHONE WE JUST UPDATED RTDS_result = RTDS_client.service.SelectCmDevice('',{'SelectBy':'Name', 'Status':'Registered', 'Class':'Phone', 'SelectItems':{'SelectItem':{'Item':phone_name}}}) for i in range(0,len(RTDS_result['SelectCmDeviceResult']['CmNodes'])): output = str(RTDS_result['SelectCmDeviceResult']['CmNodes'][i]['CmDevices']) if (output != '[]'): phone = RTDS_result['SelectCmDeviceResult']['CmNodes'][i]['CmDevices'] ##print output ##PRINT PHONES IP phone_ipaddress = phone[0]['IpAddress'] print "Phone IP Address: " + phone_ipaddress ##RESTART PHONE client.service.restartPhone(name=phone_name) print "RESETTING PHONE" print "SUCCESS" print "Login @: https://"+phone_ipaddress+":8443\" print "admin | "+phone_admin_password except Exception as e: print e print 'Done' ###